The Shapes menu can be used to change the color and border style of selected shapes.
Selecting a color from the Fill Color menu will change the fill color of any selected shape unless it is a photo frame. This color will also be the fill color of any new shape added to the drawing afterward. Lines, Image objects and symbols that are not re-colorable are not affected by fill color.
Shapes have a border around their edge. This can be dotted, dashed, or solid with several weights. Heavy borders always grow towards the center of the shape.
Symbols that can be re-colored respond to border style changes by changing their appearance, those that do not; show a border around the rectangle that encloses the drawing.
Shapes may also have no border (None). These shapes must have a different fill color than the background or they will not be visible.
The Border Color, Border Thickness and Border Style menus change the appearance of selected shape borders. The values selected also become the default settings for the border of any new shape added to the drawing